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The PERFECT voxel rendering pipeline (and online demo) [Voxel Devlog #7]

The video explains how to optimize the rendering of 3D voxels using CPU-side optimizations and GPU rendering. The approach involves:1. Memory allocation: Grouping data for all box-like objects into a single set of buffers on the GPU.2. Face calling: Using CPU-side face calling techniques (Frustron, Octant, and Directional) to eliminate unnecessary vertex shader invocations and reduce memory consumption.3. Rendering: Drawing only visible faces using OpenGL draw commands, with optimizations for frustum, octant, and directional calling.The video also discusses:* The importance of reducing driver overhead on platforms like the web* How the engine renders geometry in two passes (static scene and dynamic objects)* The use of parallax ray marching with shadow maps for lighting effects* Future plans to add features like transparency, lighting, and physicsOverall, the video demonstrates how CPU-side optimizations can significantly improve rendering performance and reduce memory consumption.
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