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【必看!】任剑涛 | 2012年瑞信年会上的演讲,幽默风趣及透彻的分析,关于中国社会政治,穿越时空的洞见,精准预测20年!

中文:敬請注意,我在這場演說中想談論中国的國際關係。 recent years, China's economic development has brought about a significant shift in its international position. We have become a more influential player on the global stage. However, this increased influence has also led to concerns and criticisms from other countries, particularly the United States.虽然中国的经济增长很出色,但我们政治发展还没有保持对 pace。 Our political system is still weak and lacks the ability to effectively handle international relations. As a result, our interactions with other countries are often seen as aggressive or expansionist, leading to criticism from the United States and other countries.然而,我们在 recent years 中有所 Progress in terms of soft power。 Our efforts in this area are still insufficient, but we are working hard to improve. We need to continue to develop our soft power capabilities in order to effectively handle international relations.總體來説,虽然有些挑戰在venir,我相信中国在 recent years 中已經取得了重要的進步。 We must proceed with caution and careful management of our international relations in order to avoid criticism or conflict with other countries. 謝聽。
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