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以下是这段文本的中文翻译:和一个fort by their river perpetually running towards you sometimes as a vow, whoever now you're in my backyard thoughts turned into good neighbors这段文本看起来是一首 poem or song,其中的语言和韵律使得它具有诗意的感觉。但 Without additional context, it is difficult to determine the specific theme or message of the poem.Some possible interpretations of the text could include:* A person's longing for someone or something they are near, perhaps represented by the "fort by their river" and the idea of "perpetually running towards you sometimes."* The idea of a vow or promise, with the line "for a vow, whoever now you're in my backyard" suggesting a sense of commitment or dedication.* The concept of thoughts or ideas being turned into something concrete or tangible, represented by the line "thoughts turned into good neighbors."Again, without more context it is difficult to provide a definitive interpretation of this text. Can you please provide more information about where you encountered this text or what you think it might mean?
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