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EP-093 高阿姨:我目睹了奈飞版《三体》中的文革暴力

中文版:感謝您分亮你的思想和經驗。真的很鼓舞,聽到你的reading和學習愛好, especialy at such a late age。您的渴望共享知識和 помо Ignore 他們,以及 willingness to recommend books and other resources to our listeners,是非常有權勢的。 We understand that you have a lot of experience and insights to share, and we're happy to hear that you're eager to pass on your wisdom to the younger generation。 It's important to have people like you who are passionate about learning and sharing their knowledge with others。We'll definitely consider your recommendations for books and other resources,and we hope our listeners will find them helpful as well。謝謝 again for joining us today,和我們期待您下一度的來至。Before we go,is there anything else you'd like to share or discuss? We're here to listen and learn from you。
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