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Principles of Marketing for a Digital Age - Chapter 1

以下是这个文本的中文翻译:审查问题:1. Industrial Revolution 有四个阶段,每个阶段对于市场意识产生了影响。第一阶段是传统阶段,第二阶段是大规模生产阶段,第三阶段是 после第二次世界大战的消费者需求专注阶段,第四阶段是当下数字时代,并强调客户需求和价值。2. 社会市场 focuses on social responsibilities and ethical considerations in marketing, while the error of marketing convergence is the tendency to prioritize short-term profits over long-term sustainability。3. Marketing是定义为创造、沟通和提供价值,以满足消费者的需求和愿望。 Utility is relevant to the study of marketing because it highlights the importance of understanding customer needs and values in decision-making。4. 马灵逊的需求层次可以应用到个人和机构需求中, recognizing that people have different levels of needs, ranging from basic physiological needs to self-actualization。 marketing can help satisfy these needs by offering products or services that meet each level of the hierarchy。5. 市场搭建的七个元素是:(1)产品,(2)价格,(3)地点,(4)宣传,(5)人员,(6)过程,(7)物理证据。例如市场决策对于每一个元素的选择包括产品特点和质量、价格策略、销售通道、广告和宣传策略、人员训练和客户服务、运作效率、 visually merchandising。6. Industry 4.0中出现的一些技术包括人工智能,区块链、互联网物质(IoT)、机器人、虚拟现实(VR)、增强现实(AR)和云计算。 marca tech 可以将数字市场技术集成到市场操作中,以便实现目标, such as personalization, automation, data analysis, and customer engagement.
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