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The New Matrix Was Bad On Purpose

The video presents an intriguing theory on how the movie "Matrix Resurrections" was made, offering a unique perspective on the creative process behind the film. According to the theory, Lana Wachowski, the director of the movie, was under immense pressure from Warner Bros. to include specific elements in the script, such as bullet points, and eventually rebelled against these demands by writing a meta-script that pokes fun at the studio's attempts to control her work. The theory also suggests that Lana was disillusioned with the franchise and its fans, who she perceives as unwilling or unable to truly understand the themes of the original Matrix trilogy. This could be seen as a commentary on the way big budget Hollywood films are expected to cater to a broad audience without taking risks or pushing boundaries.While this theory is interesting, it's important to note that there is no concrete evidence to support it. It's possible that Lana Wachowski and the other creators of "Matrix Resurrections" had more straightforward intentions for the film, such as simply wanting to continue the story of Neo and Trinity in a new and exciting way.Regardless of how the movie was made, it's clear that "Matrix Resurrections" has received a mixed response from fans and critics alike. Some have praised the film for its boldness and innovation, while others have criticized it for feeling disconnected from the original trilogy and not living up to their expectations of a Matrix sequel. Ultimately, the true intentions and motivations of the filmmakers remain a mystery until they are able to share their thoughts and experiences directly.
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