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Arrête de Dire "Je n'aime pas" en Français 💔

Bonjour! Here are some original and charming ways to say "no" or "not interested" in French, in different registers:* Using the verb "guère" or "fond," as in "Cela ne trouve guère grâce à mes yeux." (meaning "I'm not really impressed by that")* Using adjectives such as "sympa" or "charmant," as in "Je suis guère séduit par cette perspective. Elle est sympa, non?" (meaning "I'm not really interested in this perspective. It's nice, isn't it?")* Using more formal phrases, such as "Je ne suis pas en harmonie avec cette idée." (meaning "I don't think that idea is a good fit for me")* Using more casual expressions, such as "Ça me barbe." or "Il n'y a pas de feeling." (meaning "That doesn't really appeal to me" or "There's no connection between us")Here are some examples of responses you could use:* "Je ne suis guère intéressé par cela." (meaning "I'm not really interested in that")* "Ça ne me tente pas vraiment." (meaning "That doesn't really appeal to me")* "Je préfère pas y aller." (meaning "I prefer not to go there")* "C'est pas mon genre." (meaning "That's not my thing")* "Il n'y a pas de feeling entre nous." (meaning "There's no connection between us")Remember that French is a flexible language, and there are many ways to express the same concept. The most important thing is to be polite and respectful in your response. If you have any questions or need help with anything French-related, don't hesitate to ask!
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