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How guest worker visas could transform the US immigration system

A Honduran man named Juan Carlos Rivera was unable to afford living in his home due to a gang taking 10% of his earnings from his barber shop. His wife was assaulted while commuting to her job as a pre-K teacher, and they feared for their young daughter's safety. They could not afford to seek asylum in another country, so they joined a group of migrants on the dangerous journey to the US in search of a safer life. However, the US-Mexico border has become increasingly hostile towards immigrants seeking asylum, leading to extreme health problems and even death.The author suggests that the US create new guest worker visas specifically for Central Americans, providing them with a legal alternative to crossing the border illegally. This would address their need for safety while also reducing the chaos at the border by diverting them away from the dangerous route north. By allowing workers to come and go legally, they could build flourishing lives in their home country without putting themselves or others in harm's way. The author argues that this approach would not only be humane but also orderly, providing a legal alternative for those seeking asylum while freeing up an overwhelmed system to handle those who truly need it.
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