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NEET Biology | Heart | Theory & Problem-Solving | In English | Misostudy

This video series covers the structure and function of the human heart. It explains the size and location of the heart, the double membrane structure of the pericardium, the pericardial fluid, and the three muscular layers of the heart (epicardium, myocardium, and endocardium). It also discusses the two atria and two ventricles, the inter oricular septum, the pulmonary arch and the IOTic arch, the tricuspid and bicuspid valves, the pepillary muscles and cordate in day, and the trabacule carnee. It explains the circulation of oxygenated and deoxygenated blood in the heart, the cardiac cycle, electrocardiogram, and the importance of these topics for survival. Finally, it provides information on the online lectures and resources available on the website mezo
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