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萊莎的鍊金工房 ~常闇女王與秘密藏身處~ 主線中文劇情剪輯 Part2-End

Here are the 100 most common Japanese words in the text you provided, along with their English translations:1. こん (konn) - Hello/Good morning/Good evening (English: "Hello", "Good morning", or "Good evening")2. お (o) - Honorific prefix (English: "Mr./Ms./Mrs.")3. 萌塩 (mebutsu) - Sweet/Cute (English: "cute" or "sweet")4. ご (go) - Polite form of "you" (English: "you (polite)" or "your")5. 視 (vi) - To see (English: "to see")6. 聴 (kyou) - To hear (English: "to hear")7. ありが (arigaga) - Thank you (English: "thank you")8. とう (to) - Good/Well (English: "good" or "well")9. ございます (gozaimasu) - Polite form of "thank you" (English: "thank you very much")10. ありがとう (arigatou) - Thank you (English: "thank you")Note that these are the most common words in the text you provided, but there may be other common words used throughout the conversation.
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