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萊莎的鍊金工房 ~常闇女王與秘密藏身處~ 主線中文劇情剪輯 Part2-End

Here are the 100 most common Japanese words in the text you provided, along with their English translations:1. こん (konn) - Hello/Good morning/Good evening (English: "Hello", "Good morning", or "Good evening")2. お (o) - Honorific prefix (English: "Mr./Ms./Mrs.")3. 萌塩 (mebutsu) - Sweet/Cute (English: "cute" or "sweet")4. ご (go) - Polite form of "you" (English: "you (polite)" or "your")5. 視 (vi) - To see (English: "to see")6. 聴 (kyou) - To hear (English: "to hear")7. ありが (arigaga) - Thank you (English: "thank you")8. とう (to) - Good/Well (English: "good" or "well")9. ございます (gozaimasu) - Polite form of "thank you" (English: "thank you very much")10. ありがとう (arigatou) - Thank you (English: "thank you")Note that these are the most common words in the text you provided, but there may be other common words used throughout the conversation.
PRO استعمال ڪندڙ اعليٰ معيار جا خلاصا حاصل ڪن ٿا
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