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Dèan geàrr-chunntasan gun chrìoch le AI!
Àrdachadh gu PRO US$ 7.0/m
Gun gnìomhan cuibhrichte

10 Year Plan for Authentic Business (and to reach a semi retirement lifestyle)

This video transcript outlines a 10-year plan for achieving semi-retirement through authentic content marketing, joyful productivity habits, one-to-one services, group programs, online courses, ads, automation, mentoring, hiring an assistant, joint ventures, systems documentation, and continuous improvement. It emphasizes the importance of authenticity and sustainability in business, and encourages viewers to ask questions and comment.
Gheibh luchd-cleachdaidh PRO geàrr-chunntasan Càileachd Àrd-ìre
Àrdachadh gu PRO US$ 7.0/m
Gun gnìomhan cuibhrichte
Dèan geàrr-chunntas air bhidio ionadail Dèan geàrr-chunntas air bhidio air-loidhne

Faigh toraidhean càileachd nas fheàrr le barrachd fheartan

Bi nad PRO

Geàrr-chunntasan co-cheangailte