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Core Java with OCJP/SCJP : Language Fundamentals Part-1 || Java Identifiers and Reserved Words

This video transcript covers the concept of identifiers in Java programming. It explains the rules for defining Java identifiers, such as only using alphabet symbols, digits, dollar symbols, and underscores, and that Java is a case sensitive language. It also explains that the maximum number of characters in Java identifiers is 128 and that it is not recommended to use lengthy identifiers as it can reduce the readability of the code. Additionally, it explains that all predefined Java class names and interface names can be used as identifiers. It also discusses the 53 reserved words in Java, including 15 keywords, 48 user keywords, and 2 unuser keywords, as well as the 8 keywords for data types, 11 keywords for flow control, 11 keywords for modifiers, 6 keywords for exception handling, and 3 keywords for class related topics. It also explains the use of the keyword "enum" in Java and provides examples of how it can be used to define a group of named constants. Finally, it explains the difference between Java reserved words and methods, and that the 53 reserved words should be memorized for exams.
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