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NEUROSCIENTIST: 8 HOUR Sleep Is The WORST | Andrew Huberman

中文翻譯:speaker 談及質量的好睡意須,並提到一位同事在 stanford 進行的一項研究,顯示當天日進行正面期待可以提高睡意質量,即使累積睡眠時間單位減少。 speaker 亦強調一樣的深度睡眠時間importance of consistency,不是更多睡眠。 additionally, they discuss the concept of ultra-dian cycles and how waking up at the end of one of these cycles can be beneficial. they also recommend a 20-30 minute nap as an appropriate amount of time for restorative rest without entering into REM sleep. speaker notes that it is important to find what works best for each individual, as everyone's needs and preferences are different.
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