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Assassin's Creed Storyline So Far in Hindi | Part 1 (2018)

In the first episode, Aizio Chazere takes revenge on the Borjia family and destroys the Apple of Eden. In the second episode, Aizio discovers the Apple of Eden and uses it to make Chazere a powerful ruler. He is then taken to a hidden world beneath Rome to recover the Apple and reunites with Sofia. After 20 years, Aizio is able to find the Apple and passes it on to Desmond, who uses it to open a secret world in New York. In the third episode, Dazman is presented with a pedestal that will activate a net-like layer over the Earth, preventing the destruction caused by a solar flare. Minerva explains that Juno wanted to take over the world and that is why she was sealed away. Dazman accepts Juno's offer and sacrifices himself to save humanity. Holographic recordings are made of him and the episode ends with a call to like and subscribe for the next part.
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