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Àrdachadh gu PRO US$ 7.0/m
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Brazilian football tactics have made it to Europe... and it’s weird | Malmö FF analysis

Coach Fernando Gini's influence has spread to Europe, where Swedish team Malmo are showing similar characteristics in their possession football, congregating on one side of the pitch and using close intricate moves to progress. Malmo head coach Henrik Ridgedram has made a conscious choice to adopt this new style of football, which has some South American influence from Provean midfielder Sergio Pena. Malmo have clear structures in certain phases, but also have the capacity to arrange themselves in unorthodox ways. If successful, this could be the start of a new tactical revolution in football.
Gheibh luchd-cleachdaidh PRO geàrr-chunntasan Càileachd Àrd-ìre
Àrdachadh gu PRO US$ 7.0/m
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