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Git Is Awful | Prime Reacts

The speaker is amazed by Google's ability to kill projects that don't meet their standards for innovation and impact, as well as their tendency to explore new ideas and make a significant difference in the world. They express admiration for Google's market cap of $1.7 trillion and its potential to shape the world through its products and services. The speaker also shares their personal experience with Google's code search tool, finding it incredible, but wonders why other companies struggle to get things done despite having similar resources and tools as Google. They express a desire to learn more about how Google operates and to experience their tools firsthand to understand what sets them apart. The speaker's tone is curious and open-minded, indicating a willingness to learn and appreciate different perspectives.Throughout the text, the speaker demonstrates technical knowledge of coding and software development through the use of jargon terms. They also use colloquial expressions, such as "that's why it's bad," and "I guess I haven't seen the other side," which adds a more relaxed and conversational tone to the video. Overall, the speaker comes across as an informed and curious individual eager to learn more about Google's innovative culture and approach to product development.
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