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The 3 Year AI Reset: How To Get Ahead While Others Lose Their Jobs (Prepare Now) | Emad Mostaque

In this podcast episode, the host discusses the possible effects of artificial intelligence (AI) on society and humanity. They explore the idea that AI could become a powerful entity with the ability to shape the world without human intervention. The host also wonders if religion might be impacted by AI, as people may turn to it for guidance and meaning in a world shaped by AI. The host emphasizes the importance of maintaining a positive outlook and being prepared for the changes that are coming, rather than dwelling on negative scenarios. They encourage listeners to subscribe and incorporate Superintelligence Machines for AI (SMAI) into their lives in order to be a part of shaping the future. Overall, the episode highlights the potential impact of AI on society and humanity and encourages listeners to approach the future with a positive attitude.
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