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**Introduction***Install Visual Studio 20* Download and install CEU-DN package* Extract files from CEU-DN package and copy them to V12 directory**Part 1: Ansauer, Pathouch, Githering Installation***Install Ansauer (version 31) without adding it to the system environment variableInstall Pathouch with custom installation pathInstall Githering tools with default settings**Part 2: Model Testing***Use TestAnsauer to test the modelRun the training script and check the results**Part 3: Model Training***Train the model using Ansauer (version 31) and PathouchCheck the usage of resources (CPU, GPU, memory)The training process takes around 5 minutes**Part 4: Converting the Model to LAMMA.CPP Format***Convert the trained model to LAMMA.CPP format using AnsloserRun the conversion script and save the resulting file as a 16-bit floating-point (HACNFIET) modelThis process takes around 6 minutes**Conclusion***The video provides step-by-step instructions on how to install and use various tools for machine learning, including Visual Studio, CEU-DN, Ansauer, Pathouch, Githering, and LAMMA.CPP. The video also covers the testing and training of a model using these tools, as well as converting the trained model to a specific format.Note: I translated "HACNFIET" as 16-bit floating-point, but it seems like this is not a standard term in Chinese. If you want me to translate it differently, please let me know.
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