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Dèan geàrr-chunntasan gun chrìoch le AI!
Àrdachadh gu PRO US$ 7.0/m
Gun gnìomhan cuibhrichte

I trained my Wife for her first ever Triathlon

"I'm taking a break on my bike while training for a triathlon. Soon, I'll be filming a 1 km section of the race. I'll be wearing a wet suit for the swimming portion and a tri suit for the biking and running segments. Oh, and let me tell you – a swim cap is essential! It helps me see where the ball is during the water part of the triathlon. I'm really excited to do this triathlon and I feel ready to go!"
Gheibh luchd-cleachdaidh PRO geàrr-chunntasan Càileachd Àrd-ìre
Àrdachadh gu PRO US$ 7.0/m
Gun gnìomhan cuibhrichte
Dèan geàrr-chunntasan gun chrìoch le AI!
Àrdachadh gu PRO US$ 7.0/m
Gun gnìomhan cuibhrichte

I trained my Wife for her first ever Triathlon

"I'm taking a break on my bike while training for a triathlon. Soon, I'll be filming a 1 km section of the race. I'll be wearing a wet suit for the swimming portion and a tri suit for the biking and running segments. Oh, and let me tell you – a swim cap is essential! It helps me see where the ball is during the water part of the triathlon. I'm really excited to do this triathlon and I feel ready to go!"
Gheibh luchd-cleachdaidh PRO geàrr-chunntasan Càileachd Àrd-ìre
Àrdachadh gu PRO US$ 7.0/m
Gun gnìomhan cuibhrichte
Dèan geàrr-chunntas air bhidio ionadail Dèan geàrr-chunntas air bhidio air-loidhne

Faigh toraidhean càileachd nas fheàrr le barrachd fheartan

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