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中文翻譯:本文的主要意思是,超過準備可以防止進度和成功。作者認為,不Should focus on perfect preparation, but rather start with simple actions and gradually build up to more complex tasks. By doing so, one can gain a deeper understanding of the problem at hand and develop a more effective approach to solving it.本文提到,過度準備可以帶來多種不良影響,包括:1. 動力和興趣的損失:超過準備可能會讓任務變得重複和無趣,導致動力和興趣的損失。2. 問題的根源的難以發現:過度準備可能會導致我們專注於小 Details,而忽略大的問題。3. 精確的詳細的偏好:作者提出,過度準備可能會導致我們對小 Details 的偏好,忽略大的問題。4. 创新和novelty的束縛:過度準備可能會導致我們的想法和方法变得舊態重 Revival,而不是創造新的 Ideas 和方法。5. 時間和енергиの浪費:過度準備可能會導致我們花費過多的時間和ENERGY 在無用的 Details,而不是專注於任務。作者 suggets that a more effective approach is to start with simple actions and gradually build up to more complex tasks. By doing so, one can gain a deeper understanding of the problem at hand and develop a more effective approach to solving it. Additionally, the passage emphasizes the importance of accepting oneself and one's limitations, rather than striving for perfection.總體而言,本文的主要意思是,超過準備可以防止進度和成功,並且更有效的方法是開始Simple actions 並 gradual build up to more complex tasks。
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