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Introduction to ScienceLogic SL1: A Demo with Nick Hassel

In this series of videos, Nick Castle introduces Science Logic, a company that helps companies manage complex distributed IT environments. He explains the three pillars of the S-O-1 platform: contextualize, act, and see, and demonstrates two use cases of how the platform can be used to automate workflows, reduce mean time to repair, and understand business impact. He also explains how the platform can be used to understand the health availability and risk of a service. The speaker then demonstrates how to use a business service dashboard to quickly identify and diagnose issues with a card payment application, as well as other critical business services, such as mobile banking, court policing, business loans, and CRM applications. They explain how to use the dashboard to identify the root cause of an issue, such as right latency issues, and how to leverage the relationships discovered to reduce the mean time to repair and minimize business impact.
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