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Àrdachadh gu PRO US$ 7.0/m
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10 things you didn't know about orgasm

This video transcript covers a variety of topics related to orgasm, including inutero masturbation, the ability to trigger orgasm reflexes in dead people, and the potential for orgasm to increase fertility. It also includes anecdotes from a variety of sources, such as a Marriage Manual author and a brain death expert. British sexologist Roy Levin speculates that men evolved to be frequent masturbators in order to keep fresh sperm being made, which is evidenced by the animal kingdom. Alfred Kinsey also conducted an experiment to calculate the average distance traveled by ejaculated semen, and found it to be less than 8 feet. He also noted that cheese crumbs spread before a pair of copulating rats will distract the female, but not the male.
Gheibh luchd-cleachdaidh PRO geàrr-chunntasan Càileachd Àrd-ìre
Àrdachadh gu PRO US$ 7.0/m
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