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iOS 17 Hands on - Top 10 Features!

This video covers the 10 major changes in iOS 17, the latest iPhone update. These changes include an upgraded language model, FaceTime upgrades, personalized contact posters, an improved AirDrop, an upgraded Siri, an improved Safari, a new standby mode, and interactive widgets. Additionally, the new features of iOS 17 discussed include improved speech detection, check-in, and custom stickers, as well as a new messaging interface which transcribes voice notes and turns them into text. The speaker is excited about these changes, but disappointed that there is nothing major new for the dynamic island.
PRO მომხმარებლები იღებენ უმაღლესი ხარისხის შეჯამებებს
გადადით PRO-ზე US$ 7.0/m
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