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4 Card Monte (Red Black & Blue) ~ An In Depth Tutorial

In this series of videos, the speaker demonstrates two card tricks. In the first episode, he explains a four card monty routine, which involves two individual cards that are different and two identical cards. He explains the order of the cards and the moves needed to complete the routine, such as the triple lift, double lift, and single lift. In the second episode, he explains a card trick involving a red, black, and blue card. He explains how to do a reverse count, a frustration count, and a Rumba type maneuver to confuse the audience and make them think they are seeing different cards. At the end of both episodes, he thanks the viewers for watching and liking the videos.
L-utenti PRO jiksbu sommarji ta' Kwalità Ogħla
Aġġorna għal PRO US$ 7.0/m
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