Too Long; Didn't Read AI Too Long; Didn't Watch AI
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Àrdachadh gu PRO US$ 7.0/m
Gun gnìomhan cuibhrichte

曾仕强教授:044 易经的智慧 (卦序16) 豫卦(上)乐不穷欢

中文譯文:這篇 passage 是一個 философSK 的 Reflection on the nature of reality and the relationship between human beings and the natural world。作者 argue that our understanding of the world is shaped by our cultural background and beliefs, and we need to be aware of these biases when interpreting the world around us.作者 uses the analogy of a TV screen to illustrate their point. Just as a TV screen can only display black and white, our understanding of reality is limited by our cultural framework. However, just as the TV screen can display different shades of gray, our understanding of reality can evolve and change over time.作者 suggests that we should embrace the natural order of things and not try to resist or fight against it. Instead, we should strive to align ourselves with the natural flow of events and let things unfold in their own way. This approach is summed up in the phrase "順其自然" (following its natural course).作者 also emphasizes the importance of being positive and proactive in shaping our understanding of reality. Rather than simply passively accepting the world around us, we should actively seek out new knowledge and experiences that can help us broaden our horizons. This approach is summed up in the phrase "核復自然" (to restore one's original nature).Overall, the passage encourages readers to be mindful of their cultural biases and to embrace the natural order of things. By being open-minded and proactive in our pursuit of knowledge, we can deepen our understanding of reality and live more harmoniously with the world around us.
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Àrdachadh gu PRO US$ 7.0/m
Gun gnìomhan cuibhrichte
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