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Àrdachadh gu PRO US$ 7.0/m
Gun gnìomhan cuibhrichte

Quiz-2-Week 5 and 6 Revision

In a recent class session, the teacher reviewed material on binary trees and then discussed the importance of balancing binary trees. The teacher explained that the height of a binary tree represents the number of nodes in the tree and that it is important to balance the tree by making sure the height of the left and right subtrees are as close as possible. The teacher provided examples of balanced and unbalanced binary trees and asked students to come up with their own solutions to balance an unbalanced tree. The session ended with the teacher asking students if they had any questions or concerns.
Gheibh luchd-cleachdaidh PRO geàrr-chunntasan Càileachd Àrd-ìre
Àrdachadh gu PRO US$ 7.0/m
Gun gnìomhan cuibhrichte
Dèan geàrr-chunntas air bhidio ionadail Dèan geàrr-chunntas air bhidio air-loidhne

Faigh toraidhean càileachd nas fheàrr le barrachd fheartan

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Geàrr-chunntasan co-cheangailte