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التطور للاحترافية US$ 7.0/m
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谢谢您的关注,我很高兴能够分享我的思想。我相信应该考虑在技术上的影响,包括新技术和社会变革对于工作的影响。通过视о会议等方式,我们可以提高团队合作和通信,但同时也需要意识到视о会议的限制,例如无法感受到非верbalcommunication。 Future of work 是一个重要的话题,我相信需要在工作模式和技术之间寻找新的平衡,以保持一致的生活质量。最后,我想在这个过程中保持人性,避免因为过度使用信息和工作技术而失去敏感性和人类性。Here is the translation:Thank you for your attention, and I'm glad to share my thoughts with you. I believe we should consider the impact of technology on our work, including new technologies and societal changes. Through video conferencing and other means, we can improve team collaboration and communication, but we also need to be aware of its limitations, such as the inability to sense nonverbal communication. The future of work is an important topic, and I believe we need to find a balance between work modes and technology to maintain a harmonious quality of life. Finally, I think it's important to avoid overusing information and work technologies, which can lead to a loss of sensitivity and humanity.
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التطور للاحترافية US$ 7.0/m
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